Thursday, December 16, 2004

unread response

in an unread response to Tertium quid...

God showed no fear when he chose to express his love to us. I once lived through a dark time, full of cynicism, weak belief and no fruit. THe word I received when I came out was this:

there is no fear in love.

Merry Christmas, Immanuel

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Check out this one...

Hey guy. Guys. I know you all have been waiting for this one. So get ready to read. I blog about every three months or so. They are special.

I just finished reading "Catch-22"

I am currently reading "Fire on the Mountain: the true story of the South Canyon fire"

Other books I have started and not finished

"Prayer" Hans Urs VonBalthazar
"Orthodoxy" G.K. Chesterton
"Amazing Grace" Kathleen Norris
"The Pursuit of God" A.W. Tozer
"The Cost of Discipleship" Dietrich Bonhoeffer
"A Far Off Place" Laurens Vanderpost
"Letters to a Young Poet" Rainer Marie Rilke
"20 Love Poems" Pablo Neruda
"Writing Down the Bones"Natilie Goldberg
"Most of the books I was supposed to read in college, except the ones I liked"