Friday, August 26, 2005

geek news just in

I'm not sure if anyone who might read this is a J.D. Salinger fan, but there are a few of of us out there who are huge fans - we've read everything he's published...all four books. He is a complete recluse, and selfishly, we are hoping that when he passes, a great horde of posthumous work will come forth.

This really isn't interesting for most people, I'm realizing, but I got excited to find out that the title to one of Salinger's novellas "Raise high the roofbeam, carptenters" is actually a line from an ancient Greek poem about a wedding! Isn't that geeky! Lates.


rise up said...

it is geeky. Maybe someday I will open up a J.D. Salinger book.
This past summer I read the unabridged version of Les Miserables. Now on to The Brothers Karamazov, the War and Peace, and then the Count of Monte Christo.
(p.s. we are talking books for me to read over the course of the next year).
Tell Anne I say hi.

Cory PiƱa said...

I still have your copy of Franny and Zoey.

Cosby said...

"raise the roof" was a common hip hop phrase as well in the 90's. i wonder if they are all related.

Jonathan Capp said...

I'll show you a common hip hop phrase. Nice blender.